Une note sur l'avenir des vélos et des trottinettes de Lyft du PDG David Risher

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It’s with immense pleasure that PBSC Urban Solutions announces our sponsorship of Velocity 2018 in Rio de Janeiro.
Velocity is the premier international conference on cycling and urban mobility. This year the event theme is “Access to Life” and will focus on using technology, governance and data to create inclusive cycling environments.
It will be held at Pier Mauá | Armazéns 3, from June 12th to 15th, 2018
The PBSC team is pleased to welcome you at the BOOTH B7-B8 where you can see our innovative and sustainable urban solutions in bike sharing.

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PBSC développe des technologies d’avant-garde intuitives, puissantes et nettement conviviales. En plus de nos vélos, trottinettes électriques et stations intelligentes, nous offrons une appli pour les usagers, un système de gestion pour les opérateurs et tellement plus.